About image
As a young man, Rusty Tweed bought his first rental home in his hometown of Toronto, Canada. Rusty Tweed has been involved in real estate transactions for most of his adult life. It took him a few years to buy his second home in Toronto. Rusty used his passive income sources to move to Los Angeles, CA in 1987, when he was still living in the city. Rusty started looking for and flipping foreclosures right away when he moved to Southern California. Before the crash of the early '90s, he had done well over 30+ real estate flips.

This is what Rusty learned about in 2004, when he was told about a 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange. Del Exeter is a local CPA in Monrovia, CA. Rusty was working with Del Exeter at that time. Del took Rusty to meet his son Bill Exeter, who used to be the head of the exchange division at Chicago Title. Bill's help quickly got him up to speed, and he helped Rusty's 1031 Exchange transactions go smoothly.

Since then, Rusty has helped a lot of people buy and sell homes. Rusty has been a part of more than $500 million worth of successful 1031 exchanges over the last few years. Rusty spends a lot of time in his business helping people with the 1031 exchange process, which is how he makes money.

He and his company are a leader in finding new homes for the huge sales figures that are happening. If you want to invest in real estate, Rusty has done it. He has done multi-family and retail and oil and gas leases and raw land.